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Our Story

It was born as a project designed for the gastronomic needs of the Latin community, especially Colombian. With grandma's recipes that make you feel at home.

Bakery and restaurant products, made with fresh and high-quality ingredients, without preservatives or preservatives, but with a high dose of love, ethics and respect for those who are our reason for being, Our Customers.

We want to plant our homeland and expand our culture in a country that has opened the doors to us to demonstrate temperance and gratitude.

Crispanchos Bakery and Restaurant

Nuestra hístoria

Nace como un proyecto pensado en las necesidades gastronómicas de la comunidad latina, especialmente Colombiana. Con recetas de la abuela que los haga sentir como en casa.

Productos de panadería y restaurante, elaborados con insumos frescos y de alta calidad, sin conservantes ni preservativos, pero con alta dosis de amor, ética y respeto por quienes son nuesta razón de ser, Nuestros Clientes.

Queremos sembrar patria y expandir nuestra cultura en un país que nos ha abierto las puertas para demostrar templanza y gratitud.

Crispanchos Bakery and Restaurant

Our Menus

At our restaurant, we take pride in serving you only the freshest dishes. From our homemade bread and pastries to our mouthwatering scratch-made entrees like our irresistible empanadas, everything is made to order just for you.

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